January 05, 2015

magic monday

Part of my one little word this year is to keep all the positive things in my life at the front of my head instead of letting all the bad things get me down. So enter magic Monday's where I'll be sharing parts of my life that I'm grateful for and the parts that are magic. 

This week I started a new knitting project, a knit blanket! Super chunky yarn + giant knitting needles = heaven. I can already see curling up on the couch with this blanket when I'm done and it's such a good motivator. 

Coffee... I'm always grateful for coffee. But I'm especially grateful for all the peace it gives me. My #annalovesmornings hashtag on Instagram makes me so happy when I scroll through it. That hour I give to myself every day with my coffee & my camera is so important to make sure I have a good day. 

Sunlight. Winter sunlight makes these dreary months so magical. Nothing like vitamin D & golden hour to boost your spirits when the sun doesn't rise until 7:30 AM and sets at 4:30 PM. 

I'm so excited for this feature to show me all the little things in my life that really do matter. It makes me excited to fall even more in love with this little life of mine. 

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