June 24, 2015

new project inspiration

Photo credit: Elise Cripe

I was going back through Elise's 26 projects archive when I came across the coffee table her & her husband built. Then they redid their living room and stained some old crates to put on the walls. And then the gears started turning in my head. 

For months, I've been brainstorming a way to move my camera collection from my bookshelves to make more room for art supplies. I considered floating shelves. I considered some sort of display case. I considered a whole separate (smaller) bookshelf. But I keep coming back to these crates that my favourite blogger put on her walls in 2011. 

I've been doing research on crates and stain all afternoon. I've definitely decided on the ArtMinds Half Crate from Michael's, and Minwax stain in American Chestnut. The only logistics I have yet to figure out is where to get some sort of drop cloth, and if I can get away with doing this inside the apartment or if it would be better to do it outside in the parking lot.

I feel so inspired to get this apartment decorated. 

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