March 16, 2020

long time no blog!

So... Long time no see, Blogland!

We recovered from the flu! Which I'm now concerned was really Coronavirus in disguise...

Speaking of COVID-19! WOW. YOU GUYS. I have truly never seen anything like this before. The scarcity and panic buying, the anxiety, all the fear and all the bad things that get thrown at you if you accidentally turn on the news or open Twitter at any given point during the day.

But I have also seen beauty in this pandemic. Community. People coming together, helping others. The singing in Italy. Proving that there can be beauty and magic found in all of this darkness.

Quarantine, day 1: I redid my website from top to bottom pretty much. Integrated my snazzy new Flodesk forms on my website and I'm trying to figure out the best way to *hype* Mini Sessions now that everything feels like it's up in the air.

Quarantine, day 2: Downloaded Big Dreams, Daily Joys by Elise Blaha Cripe and have been listening to it while I go back and forth between writing my business story and scribbling book notes and ideas that might become goals at some point into my planner.

Quarantine, day 3: I'm anxious about going to the grocery store. I need to get cat food and things for dinner this week and I have to pick up my anxiety meds. I don't know what's going to be left on the shelves. I don't want to risk getting anyone sick by picking up the medicine that I need.


Just gonna say that to myself on repeat. Off to the grocery store... wish me luck.