October 13, 2020

responsible acts of self-care


Yesterday was for responsible acts of self-care mixed with a little bit of treat yo-self in the process.

Three loads of laundry done, folded, and put away. Beds made, towels fluffed, and two weeks worth of clothes. Self portrait therapy for my October Currently post, done. It was so nice to run around in the October air where it's chilly but not cold yet. The changing leaves are just gravy.

Life is good, y'all.

October 11, 2020

little october things.


A perfect October Sunday: driving to get Justin with the heat on, coming. home to hot coffee, a glorious Sunday nap, Turner's for family pictures + pumpkin patch hangs with Cristin and her fam, quick switcheroo of vehicles and went to Brainard's for pictures with Cristin + David and the pups, home to edit wedding photos from last weekend and start going through photos from yesterday.

I love fall, y'all.