January 20, 2021

i want to remember: inauguration day 2021


I want to remember: a cotton candy sunrise this morning. Going to look at the cutest little apartment with Justin this morning. Making a perfect cup of coffee. Watching the inauguration and laughing at all the memes during downtime at work with my friends today. Watching a perfect cotton candy sunset out the drive thru window. Feeling joyful and hopeful and optimistic for the first time in a very long time. Grateful for today, in all the best ways.

January 05, 2021

one little word in 2021


My one little word for 2021 is ADVENTURE. After having my therapy appointment at the park this afternoon and taking a walk to clear my head after, I treated myself to chicken nuggets and came home swooning over the sun casting shadows across the snow in the front yard. Adventure, we are off to a good start indeed. xo