July 08, 2014

making me happy

 This is a new series I think might start happening monthly or every other month here on the blog. Inspired 100% by Elise, here are some snippets of things that have been making me happy lately.

 DAISIES! They're my favourite flower (and my birth month flower), and summer always means we are drowning in them for a couple of months. My grandma used to have a bed of daisies in her garden and they were my favourite flower to photograph whenever I could.

 Receiving mail from my best friends, whether it's in card/letter form or in the form of awesome art that I can hang on the gallery wall above my bookshelves in the bedroom.

These illustrations by Brazillian graphic designer Carol Rossetti. I'm always on the hunt for empowering feminist words-drawings-stuff.

Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal. It's the perfect amount of chocolate for when my sweet tooth hits either late at night or when I get up in the morning. I will always have a love affair with cereal.

Good Will books! I can wander Good Will for hours and hours and hours, and I usually spend most of my time pouring over the book section. The entirety of my to read pile is composed of books found at Good Will (book report coming as soon as I finish them, honest ;) )

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