September 27, 2018

self-care is not selfish

Has this week been weird for anyone else? The season change always sneaks up on me... I spend the first few weeks trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes and then frantically planning for the weeks ahead. I've been napping a lot lately and tossing and turning every night. My brain is buzzing with so many ideas, I don't even know where to start. Autumn to-do lists, personal projects I want to tackle, and ALL THE BUSINESS stuff. I'm on track to up my marketing game and start booking more clients so that I actually feel like a real photographer again. I've already picked out my Halloween costume, and somehow Justin's birthday is next week already. I have mini sessions in Burlington and Waupaca coming up soon that I have to plan for, and then before I know it November will be here and I'll be pushing for holiday photos.

It's no wonder they call fall "the busy time of year."

The best ways I know how to get through the busy season is to make self-care a priority.

Put real clothes on before you drag your laptop out to start your work day so you don't end up wearing the same coffee-stained pajamas for three days straight. It always helps me to actually feel like I'm ready to start working when I change out of my yoga pants and ratty sleep shirts.

Pick up your space. I have trouble buckling down and getting to work unless I've made my bed in the morning (which also helps combat the urge to take afternoon naps) and made sure the corner where I work is at least somewhat organized. 

Take breaks. Grab a cup of coffee and sit outside. Go for a walk. Go to the grocery store, do laundry, run errands—do something to give your eyes a break from the screens. When you start going cross-eyed from staring at Lightroom all day, that's usually my cue to get up and do something else for an hour. The computer work will still be there when you get back.

If you're feeling exhausted and burnt out, give yourself permission to take the rest of the day off. Take a shower and let the hot water relax your knotted shoulders and remind you that you're human. Light a candle. Shave your legs. Brush your hair. Brush your teeth. Use your favorite lotion. Watch a few episodes of your favorite TV show. These little comforts will make you feel pampered and ready to pick up where you left off tomorrow.

Put real food into your body. Drink water. You cannot rely on a diet of coffee and junk food alone. Your body will thank you by actually giving you the energy you need in order to get your work done. Even if it just means going to the gas station and grabbing a premade salad, you will feel so much better than if you just get another cup of coffee you don't need and your go-to gas station munchies.

Day by day, this "working for myself" venture gets a little bit easier. The busy season will be replaced with slowness eventually, but for now, I'm relishing in these small things I do every day that make life a little less stressful.

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