April 14, 2020

welcome to the party, 28.

Today I turn 28. In January, before this entire pandemic started, I was planning a fun little getaway with Justin for my birthday. Cut to now and all I have to say womp, womp. So we're doing the same thing we do for my birthday every other year... park our butts on the couch, order a pizza, and watch Deadliest Catch.

Just like I did last year, I wanted to share 27 things that made 27 a great year for me.
  1. Nervous Means Do It - My mantra, thanks to Mei Ratz. Every time I feel anxious, I ask myself, "Are you nervous or scared?" Scared means ask for help. Nervous means do it.
  2. Therapy - I started going to therapy again in October and life. is. goooooood.
  3. Pep Talks - Kinda saved my life this year. They were always my "keep going, you can do this" moment that everyone needs when they're a little down.
  4. "You are blastomycosis free." - Hands down, one of my top 5 moments of 27. Not having to choke down little pink and blue pills twice a day, no more getting lost in hospitals and dealing with crabby doctors was another.
  5. My clients - I wouldn't be able to live my dream without them. They're the best.
  6. New Tattoo - I got matching tattoos with my mom when she came to visit in February and it felt like forgiveness and healing and LOVE all wrapped into one weekend.
  7. Anti-anxiety meds - LIFESAVER OF THE YEAR RIGHT HERE. Thankful for the tiny little pill I take every morning to keep my brain from imploding.
  8. 50mm f/1.4 Lens - This was my gift to myself this fall after a heavy busy season, and it's worth it for the extra 2 f/stops haha.
  9. Grey's Anatomy - Honestly, don't know where I'd be without Grey's. 
  10. Desperate Housewives - This show is like the Pretty Little Liars of the early 2000's and it's the perfect mindless "I need something to binge" show.
  11. Home Town on HGTV - Not gonna lie, I kind of want Erin Napier to be my best friend now okay, okay? Wanna visit Laurel, Mississippi so bad.
  12. True Crime - Ah yes, 27 was the year I became a cold case junkie hahaha. Watching Cold Case File and Forensic Files was how I passed a lot of my time this past summer.
  13. Audiobooks - This is a recent discovery, but since quarantine started, I've been listening to audiobooks instead of podcasts while I knit!
  14. Big Dreams, Daily Joys by Elise Blaha Cripe - Bought this book in October. Skimmed it. Put it on the shelf. Bought the audiobook to listen to once quarantine started and Elise's 3 things concept is so freakin' life-giving.
  15. Self-Portrait Therapy - I set a goal all the way back on my 27th birthday to get in front of the camera once a month for my Currently posts on my website. Mission accomplished.
  16. Aquamos Coffee Collaborative - My faaaaaaavorite coffee shop in Waupaca to work from, catch up with friends, have meetings... it's the bomb. And their Caramel Roll Latte and French Toast Latte are A++.
  17. Little Fat Gretchen's - If you've come to visit me in Waupaca, there's a 100% chance that I will take you here. Their breakfast (specifically pancakes that are literally the size of your head) + homemade pie/everything in the dessert case is life-changing.
  18. Walk in Love - Brooke and TJ do limited releases on their shop and I always try to snag a t-shirt or some stickers every time they drop something new.
  19. Rachel Allene coffee mugs - I now have... 3 of her mugs in my collection, and a bunch of her apparel! I'm obsessed.
  20. Natural Life - This little shop came in clutch for Christmas presents this year! I got my mom a bunch of fun stuff from them, and carried on the tradition of gifting Noelle an air freshener from them after the one she got for me when I first got my license finally bit the dust.
  21. The sunflower field - I cannot talk about 27 without talking about the Burlington sunflower field. Sunflower Mini Sessions are the thing that I count down every year and gives me so much freakin' joy.
  22. Nebulizer treatments - WITHOUT FAIL, every time I got sick this year, I had to go in and see my primary doctor for a nebulizer treatment because whatever I had turned into bronchitis. Thankful for this medicine (and that my primary doc is awesome).
  23. Homemade Chex Mix - I usually reserve making Chex Mix for holidays (namely Thanksgiving and Christmas), but this year I've been making Chex Mix a lot more haha. #thanksquarantine
  24. Maggie Rogers - Heard It In A Past Life was on repeat pretty much all year. Just ask my Spotify stats.
  25. Tegan & Sara - Side effect of watching Grey's... three? times all the way through this year hahaha. I listen to so much Tegan and Sara!
  26. Peanut Butter M&M's - My editing snack of choice. If you ever want to get me anything, I will accept PB M&M's without question.
  27. Coloring books + gel pens - I've been coloring in some abstract coloring books lately and I refer to it as "an exercise in compartmentalizing" haha. Noelle got me a cat coloring book for Christmas and I'm excited to dive into it!

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